4209 Old Red Trail
Mandan, ND 58554
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Types of AA Meetings
Big Book: Clients in North Dakota AA programs find inspiration in the Big Book. This set of stories is about real women and women who successfully controlled their alcohol use disorder.
Newcomer: AA newcomer meetings in North Dakota provide an overview of how AA works for people who are just starting their recovery journey and want to learn more about it. The meetings may include informal discussions, where newcomers can ask questions and learn from experienced members.
Open: In North Daokta, open AA meetings are available to any member of the community, including both alcoholics and nonalcoholics. As members share their experiences, observers can learn more about the AA recovery model and how the program works.
Wheelchair Access: North Dakota AA centers provide non-ambulatory clients with wheelchair access. These features generally consist of exterior ramps, designated parking spots, and open layouts for full participation.