827 Church St
Honesdale, PA 18431
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Meeting Notes
Zoom Code: 753 936 7078 No Passcode, Waiting Room
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
Closed: In Pennsylvania, closed AA meetings are not open to general members of the community. The only people who may attend are members of AA and individuals who know they have a drinking problem and want to find help.
Meditation: Meditation AA meetings feature physical and emotional calmness as a main method of healing. The meetings open with 15 minutes of private mediation and close with an additional 5 minutes of meditation.
Women: Pennsylvania women’s AA meetings are group meetings for women who are impacted by alcoholism - those who have alcohol addiction and those who have loved ones with alcoholism. Open to women of all ages in the community, these meetings follow a 12-step recovery program and are free to attend.