3650 Cottage Grove Ave
Des Moines, IA 50311
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
Big Book: Iowa AA centers often hold Big Book meetings to inspire clients. These discussions center on a collection of women and men who overcame alcohol use disorder.
Closed: In Iowa, closed AA meetings are accessible only to members and individuals seeking help for a drinking problem. They are not open to the general public. This provides a safe, confidential space for participants to share about their alcohol addictions and journeys to sobriety.
Men: Men in Iowa can find AA chapters that are open only for men of all ages. These groups offer free 12 Step Programs that address issues relating specifically to men’s recovery from alcohol use disorder.
Wheelchair Access: Wheelchair access for Iowa AA centers generally include ramps and designated parking spots. Non-ambulatory clients can safely navigate throughout the center for meetings and amenities.