2002 E Main St
Chattanooga, TN 37404
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Meeting Notes
Hamilton County 000080468
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
Open: In Tennessee, open AA meetings are accessible to anyone from the public, including alcoholics and nonalcoholics. During the meeting, members can share their stories and provide information about the organization, while observers can listen and learn.
Step Meeting: AA groups in Tennessee use step meetings to update their progress in the 12 Step Program. Members read from Twelve Steps, discuss how the passages compare with their experience, and recommend ways to enhance their progress by the next meeting.
Women: Tennessee women’s AA meetings are community support meetings for women who are impacted by alcohol addiction - those who are suffering from alcoholism and those who have loved ones who are addicted to alcohol. Free for women of all ages to attend, these meetings offer peer support along with a 12-step recovery program.