953 De Haro St
San Francisco, CA 94107
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Meeting Notes
***NOT MEETING ON THANKSGIVING, NOVEMBER 23rd*** Chips last Thursday of the month.
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
12 Steps & 12 Traditions: California's AA programs provide a foundation for lasting sobriety through the 12 Steps and Traditions programs. AA meetings offer a supportive community and welcome all individuals seeking recovery all while offering guidance and understanding along the way.
Closed: Closed AA meetings in California are not open to the general public. They are reserved for members and anyone who has a desire to stop drinking. Discussions are personal in nature and related to alcohol addiction recovery.
Discussion: AA discussion meetings in California help members share their thoughts and feelings on a specific topic related to alcoholism and recovery. A pre-determined speaker will open the meeting by sharing a topic from an AA text, such as the Big Book or AA Grapevine. After discussing the topic briefly, they will open the floor for others to speak.
Literature: California literature-centric AA meetings are peer support meetings for men and women affected by alcohol addiction. These meetings follow a 12-step program and focus on the study of AA literature, including the Big Book of AA, AA workbooks, and other writings by AA co-founder Bill W and other leaders. The meetings are free to attend.
Speaker: AA speakers often blend humor, faith, charm, and raw emotions before audiences. In California, speakers can effectively motivate listeners to harden their resolve against alcohol.
Wheelchair Access: In California, AA meetings with wheelchair accessibility include designated parking spots and safety ramps. Clients can safely maneuver around the facility to participate in AA events.
Women: California women’s AA meetings are peer support meetings for women who are affected by alcohol addiction. Using a 12-step curriculum, these meetings help women at all stages of alcoholism recovery, offering a safe and productive space for community support. These meetings are available at no charge for women of all ages.