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Sunrize Group

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


1703 N Broadway St
Crest Hill, IL 60403

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Meeting Notes

Hybrid Meeting (In-Person and Online) Each week it rotates thru the discussion of the steps and traditions. Books: Big Book and 12 & 12. Hybrid (In-Person and Online)


Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

12 Steps & 12 Traditions: Illinois' AA programs provide a lifeline of support through the 12 Steps and Traditions programs. These programs foster a community of recovery among individuals who are navigating similar obstacles. Group meetings welcome all seeking sobriety, offering guidance and hope for a brighter future.

Open: In Illinois, open AA meetings are available to anyone who wants to learn more about the organization and its 12 step model of recovery. Attendees can include individuals currently seeking treatment for alcohol use disorder as well as friends, relatives, and loved ones of someone battling this addiction.

Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom: Selected AA centers offer wheelchair-accessible bathrooms for participants. These bathrooms have enough space for a wheelchair to safely navigate, and can include private stalls with guardrails, reachable toilet paper and seat cover dispensers, a wash basin, and other amenities.

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