2512 NW Vivion Rd
Northmoor, MO 64150
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
Candlelight: Candlelight AA meetings are sessions in which members bring candles, usually white, that represent their hopes and goals. When each member shares, that member lights their candles as they discuss their challenges and successes.
Closed: Closed AA meetings in Missouri are not available to the general public and observers are not allowed. The only people who can attend are members of AA and individuals seeking help for alcohol addiction. The discussions are informal and group participation is encouraged.
Smoking Permitted: Select AA chapters may allow permit smoking during the meeting or have a designated space for smoking in accordance with the facility’s policy and local ordinances. Smoking may include other tobacco usage and vaping.
Speaker: Missouri AA programs often feature motivational speakers to reinforce their members’ sobriety. By using humor, raw emotions, charm, and faith, speakers can inspire their listeners to harden their resolve against a relapse.