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Zoom Women’s Mtg

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


Jackson, WY

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Open: In Wyonming, open AA meetings are accessible to anyone from the public who wants to learn more about the AA model of alcohol addiction recovery, including the 12 step program. This includes alcoholics seeking help on their sobriety journey as well as their friends, relatives, and loved ones.

Step Meeting: In Wyoming, AA chapters meet to discuss their progress in their 12 Step Programs. In these step meetings, clients read from Twelve Steps, compare the texts to their progress, and come up with ideas to improve their performance as they prepare for the next step.

Women: Wyoming AA meetings for women are women-exclusive peer support meetings for those who are affected by alcoholism - women who are addicted to alcohol or who have loved ones suffering from alcohol addiction. These meetings are guided by a 12-step addiction recovery program and are open to all women in the community at no cost.

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