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Find AA Meetings in Thayne, Wyoming

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Find AA meetings in Thayne, Wyoming to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Wyoming includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
7:00 PM Afton AA Afton AA 253 Washington St Afton Discussion   English   Open Meeting

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Thayne, Wyoming AA Meetings

Thayne sits in the northern part of Star Valley, in Lincoln Valley, Wyoming. Several Wyoming AA meetings have been established across the state to curb the rise of alcohol use disorder. Alcohol use disorder is a complex illness with many diverse effects. Individuals with AUD may experience depression, anxiety, and restlessness when not drinking. AUD isn’t restricted to a certain age bracket, race, geography, and gender. Anyone can struggle with alcohol addiction, and diagnosed individuals should seek help immediately. AUD treatment usually starts with detoxification. This should be done in an inpatient facility under observation for withdrawal symptoms. Detoxification is then followed up with non-addictive drugs and behavioral therapy. For many people, the recovery process is a tough one and may include multiple relapses before finally becoming sober. Thankfully, AA meetings in Thayne provide locals with the support and guidance needed to ease the recovery process. In these meetings, affected locals network with each other, learn from the experiences shared, and encourage one another in moments of discouragement. Meetings are non-discriminatory and can be attended on your terms. Check our online directory for info on meeting days, venues, and times. You can also call our specialists if you need help locating a treatment center near you.

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