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Find AA Meetings in Forrest City, Arkansas

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Find AA meetings in Forrest City, Arkansas to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Arkansas includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
7:00 PM Pyramid Group Pyramid Group 4525 N Washington St Forrest City Closed Meeting   English   Temporary Closure
12:00 PM West Memphis Group Behind Flash Market on Missouri 1233 Park Dr West Memphis Closed Meeting   Discussion   English
7:00 PM West Memphis Group Behind Flash Market on Missouri 1233 Park Dr West Memphis Closed Meeting   Discussion   English

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Forrest City, Arkansas AA Meetings

Forrest City is a city in St. Francis County, Arkansas. It was named after General Nathan Bedford Forrest. Like many communities in the state of Arkansas, Forrest City has Alcoholics Anonymous meeting locations set up to aid its locals who are struggling with alcoholism. Alcoholics Anonymous, or AA, is an international group support organization that was founded in 1935. Its therapy sessions, called AA meetings, help participants to discover the primary reasons for their alcoholism, which is crucial to recovery. Finding out the actual origin of alcohol reliance can go a long way in accomplishing full recuperation. Benefiting from AA meetings requires stepping out of your comfort zone and opening yourself up in front of a room full of unfamiliar people. So the choice of attending AA meetings can be daunting and extremely unpleasant, especially for someone that does not know what to expect. However, every AA participant has some level of vulnerability, so the feeling of insecurity is mutual. This develops a distinct sensation of understanding and common suffering, which helps to develop a sense of fellowship for individuals who are battling alcoholism. AA meetings in Forrest City can help you to take that crucial first step towards recovery. And will help you to find these meetings. Our directory organizes information for all Arkansas AA meetings.

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