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Find AA Meetings in Bishop, California

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Find AA meetings in Bishop, California to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in California includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
5:30 PM Happy Destiny Bishop Happy Destiny Bishop 18 North Pa-Ha Lane Bishop Closed Meeting   Discussion   Wheelchair Access +   Women's Meeting
7:30 PM Bishop Group Bishop Creek Community Church 700 Hobson St Bishop English   Open Meeting   Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom
8:00 AM Mammoth Lakes Group Mammoth Lakes Group Online 5947 Minaret Rd Mammoth Lakes Discussion   English   Open Meeting
6:30 PM Men's Open Meeting Men's Open Meeting Online 5947 Minaret Rd Mammoth Lakes Discussion   English   Men's Meeting +   Open Meeting

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Bishop, California AA Meetings

Bishop is the only incorporated city and the largest populated place in Inyo County, California. Like many cities in the state of California and other states in America, Bishop has established AA meetings in Bishop to combat the rising alcohol addiction epidemic. Residents of the city can locate AA meetings that are convenient to them on that also lists other AA California meetings in other areas in the state. Alcohol addiction is a major public health crisis in America with millions of people being diagnosed with the medical condition called alcohol use disorder (AUD). Alcohol use disorder is when an individual becomes so addicted to drinking that even when it becomes a significant detriment to their lives they still cannot stop and suffer from withdrawal symptoms when they do. It is has become a major burden in America as well as around that world attributing to many deaths and diseases. However, several treatment methods can be used to curb the effects of alcohol addiction and even stop compulsive drinking long term. Approved medications include Disulfiram, Naltrexone, and Acamprosate. A combination of medications and behavioral therapies such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is usually the most effective form of treatment. AA meetings are therapeutic sessions that help people suffering from AUD achieve sustained sobriety.

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