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Find AA Meetings in Craig, Colorado

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Find AA meetings in Craig, Colorado to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Colorado includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
7:00 PM Craig Group One Craig Group One 630 Green St Craig Discussion   English   Open Meeting
7:00 PM Saturday Night AA Speaker Meeting Saturday Night AA Speaker Meeting Online 437 Oak St Steamboat Springs English   Open Meeting   Speaker
7:00 PM Oak Creek Owls South Routt Community Center 3rd Floor 227 Dodge Ave Oak Creek Discussion   English   Open Meeting

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Craig, Colorado AA Meetings

Craig is a relatively small Home Rule Municipality and the county seat of Moffat County, in the US state of Colorado. This area has several homes being affected by alcohol use disorder (AUD), which negatively affects their lives as well as their source of income. AUD renders anyone powerless with a failure to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The problem causes a break down in domesticity and also culture, to a bigger degree. AA meetings in Craig is a subset of the network of Alcoholics Anonymous, which belongs to a worldwide network where people may conveniently source assistance. Research studies have revealed that a large percentage of alcoholics do not seek assistance because they are not sure where to attend, or they lack the self-confidence to request assistance. AA Colorado meetings have changed that, as there are numerous places across the state and the nation. People that were previously alcoholics created AA meetings to give well-need support to assist to recuperate alcoholics to attain complete and continual healing. AA meetings generally make use of a 12-step technique, which has been confirmed to have a high successful outcome. AA meetings offer top-level care and guidance for people seeking to achieve complete healing. AA meetings in Craig provide an avenue for the individual with AUD seeking help in regards to addiction recovery.

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