Find AA meetings in Ocean View, Hawaii to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Hawaii includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Nooners Meeting | Old Airport Pavilion 1 | 75-5520 Kuakini Hwy | Kona | English Open Meeting |
12:00 PM | Hawaiian Islands Sobriety | - Zoom 201-411-5493, Password: Hilo808 | Online Kona, HI | Kailua-Kona | English Open Meeting |
12:00 PM | Nooners Meeting Kailua Kona | Nooners Meeting Kailua Kona | 75-5560 Kuakini Hwy | Kailua-Kona | Open Meeting |
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Ocean View, Hawaii AA Meetings
Ocean View is a census-designated place in Hawaii County, located near South Point, in the Kau District area; it is a relatively large community on the Big Island of Hawaii. Several AA meetings Hawaii—such as those in Ocean View—are available for those in addiction recovery who visit, live, or work in the area. Those with alcohol use disorders may be interested in the different types of AA meetings in Ocean View. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings can differ in the format as well as in tone and character. Some meetings are very light-hearted; the meeting discussions may take on a good-humored manner, and there is often lots of laughter. Others are more serious; AA members may be heavy-hearted in expressing problems.Whether you are searching for AA meetings with an open format (anyone may attend) or closed meetings (only for those with a desire to quit drinking), keep in mind that no two meetings are exactly alike. If you try a particular meeting and don’t feel that you fit it, give it one more attempt; it could just be that members are having a bad day. After several tries, if the meeting still does not feel right, don’t give up on the entire program. Instead, try another meeting. Perhaps a meeting in a near-by town will better meet your needs. Our online AA meeting directory can help. You will find up-to-date lists of meetings throughout the Hawaiian Islands and in cities across the U.S. If you have any questions about our directory or need information about locating other addiction recovery programs (such as detox [which is usually offered at medical facilities] or rehab), contact our treatment specialist today; we can help.