Find AA meetings in Priest River, Idaho to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Idaho includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Our Stories Disclosed | Gardenia Center | 400 Church St | Sandpoint | English Open Meeting |
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Priest River, Idaho AA Meetings
Priest River is a town in Bonner County, northern Idaho just east of the Washington border. If you’re struggling with alcohol addiction, joining a local group of Alcoholics Anonymous can be an important step in getting help. Consult our online directory for locations, times, and contact information for AA meetings in Priest River, as well as other AA meetings in Idaho. You’ll find a friendly and supportive atmosphere at the AA meetings in Priest River. You are also welcome to bring a family member or friend for personal support to AA meetings in Idaho. As with AA everywhere, the AA meetings in Priest River are led by other AA members wanting to support others with the shared goal of maintaining long-term sobriety. The Priest River AA group provides a safe, confidential space to gain peer support and encouragement as members relate their experiences with alcohol use disorder. The 12 Step principles are also discussed as individuals endeavor to apply the spiritual principles and guiding points to their lives for healthy change. In addition to attending AA meetings in Priest River, your greatest odds of success in recovery will come with getting professional treatment. Detoxification is normally the first stage of treatment, which usually incorporates medication to minimize unpleasant alcohol withdrawal side effects. Ongoing medication to control alcohol cravings combined with therapy is a proven combination for effective treatment. Our specialists are available 24/7 to assist you in finding treatment in Bonner County that meets your needs. Contact us today to get started on your path to a healthier life in Priest River.