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Find AA Meetings in Centralia, Illinois

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Find AA meetings in Centralia, Illinois to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Illinois includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
12:00 PM Tuesday Noon Meeting Tuesday Noon Meeting 314 N 12th St Mount Vernon English

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Centralia, Illinois AA Meetings

Centralia was named after the Illinois Central Railroad. The city also has a history of alcohol addiction. Alcohol addiction has been a significant public health issue in the United States with more than 15 million people living with alcohol use disorder (AUD). Alcohol misuse is responsible for numerous illnesses and thousands of deaths in America each year. There have also been financial fallout from the epidemic. Alcohol misuse/abuse is costing the American economy billions of dollars each year. Alcoholics Anonymous is one of the most important weapons in the fight against alcohol addiction. Like many communities across America Centralia has Alcoholics Anonymous or AA meeting places for its residents who are struggling with an addiction to alcohol. These AA meetings in Centralia can be found on AA meetings are gatherings of people with alcohol disorders assembling for at least one hour of peer support. AA meetings offer an interactive forum for them to openly share their addiction experiences and articulate their views on different topics about alcohol addiction. These meetings provide crucial knowledge and insights on the journey to recovery that can prove invaluable. groups all AA meetings Illinois as well as meetings from other states. The directory is up to date and has the latest information on each AA meeting listed.

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