Find AA meetings in Hillsboro, Kansas to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Kansas includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Newton Group | Newton Group | 221 SE 14th St | Newton | Closed Meeting English |
12:10 PM | South Main Group | South Main Group | 216 S Main St | McPherson | English Open Meeting |
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Hillsboro, Kansas AA Meetings
Hillsboro is a city in Marion County, Kansas. Inhabitants who need to overcome alcohol use disorder can join AA meetings in Hillsboro after receiving professional treatment in the city. The medical treatment does not always result in immediate recovery from alcohol use disorder. Those who are affected may have to spend a long time recovering. A process like this is suggested to be carried out in AA or other support groups. The Alcoholics Anonymous community is well-known because it has helped millions of people. Members who have a setback on their recovery journey can easily find assistance, and those seeking motivation can find it in the Alcoholics Anonymous community. The Alcoholics Anonymous community does not obstruct other treatment plans. Since it does not provide professional treatment, members of the Alcoholics Anonymous community can seek treatment at an inpatient or outpatient facility. Even though there are numerous AA meetings in Kansas, it is recommended that you locate the one closest to you. You can find it in the online AA directory at Non-AA members are welcome to attend with their loved ones at some of these meetings, which are open to the public. Closed meetings are only open to members of the Alcoholics Anonymous community. Please contact our helpline if you require assistance in locating some of the best alcohol rehab facilities in Hillsboro.