Find AA meetings in Paxico, Kansas to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Kansas includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | 1100 South Group | 1100 Group | 3501 SW Wanamaker Rd | Topeka | English Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
12:05 PM | Noon Group | Noon Group | 1231 Poyntz Ave | Manhattan | English Living Sober Open Meeting |
4:30 PM | Topeka Group #1 | Topeka Group #1 | 2100 SW Central Park Ave | Topeka | English Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
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Paxico, Kansas AA Meetings
Paxico is a small town located on Mill Creek in Wabaunsee County, Kansas. Numerous AA meetings have been set up in Paxico so that residents who struggle with alcohol addiction and other alcohol-related ailments can have unhindered access to effective treatment programs. Alcohol use disorder may be treated via various methods, and the combination of these methods differs per individual. Generally, treatment of alcohol use disorder begins with detoxification carried out in an inpatient facility. This process is sometimes combined with prescribed drugs which help mitigate withdrawal symptoms. Other methods include counseling and behavioral therapy. AA meetings in Paxico offer participants a safe space where they come together to share their experiences, recover from alcohol addiction and remain sober. AA Paxico sometimes organizes open meetings. In these meetings, locals and loved ones are invited to show their support and be educated on how better to help those affected. Several treatment programs are available, and you are advised to speak to a certified professional before embarking on any treatment program. For information on the treatment programs near you, you can call our specialists. The AA directory published on has all the AA meetings in Kansas listed. You can find the meeting nearest to you with it.