Find AA meetings in Flemingsburg, Kentucky to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Kentucky includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Primary Purpose (Morehead) | Primary Purpose - Morehead | 145 5th St | Morehead | English |
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Flemingsburg, Kentucky AA Meetings
Flemingsburg is a relatively small city in Fleming County, in the US state of Kentucky, and is the seat of Fleming County. Though a small city, people are battling with alcohol use disorder in this area. Alcohol addiction affects interpersonal relationships, breaks down the family structure, and may lead to accidents. AA meetings in Flemingsburg offer assistance to residents seeking aid to get rid of the struggles of an alcohol use disorder, since getting over it by yourself is very challenging. AA meetings in Kentucky are part of a worldwide network where people have access to well-needed help. This database is arranged by location, to quickly determine the nearest meeting to the potential member. At AA meetings, individuals who recouped from the addiction use their past journey to supply support to individuals presently struggling with AUD. The atmosphere of these meetings is welcoming and everyone is treated with respect. Meetings are provided in various ways, such as gender-based meetings, spiritual meetings, and small or large group meetings. At the AA meetings in Flemingsburg, sponsors utilize their journey to soberness to influence and enlighten members with alcohol addiction. The primary therapy at AA meetings in Kentucky is the 12-step approach, which has a high success rate, once the individual completely complies with the process. There is also an option for a clinic detoxing at an inpatient center. These AA meetings together with additional therapies give desirable outcomes.