Find AA meetings in South Bristol, Maine to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Maine includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
5:00 PM | Alive At Five Group | Wiscasset | 12 Hodge St | Wiscasset | Discussion English Literature + Open Meeting |
5:00 PM | Foglifters Group | North Haven | 18 Mullins Ln | North Haven | Discussion English Literature + Open Meeting |
5:30 PM | Happy Hour Meeting | Lewiston | 750 Main St | Lewiston | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
6:00 PM | Good Start Group | Portland Area | Online 57 Ashmont St | Portland | English Newcomer Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
6:30 PM | Camden Twelve Step Group | Camden Twelve Step Group | 33 Chestnut Street | Camden | Discussion Newcomer Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
6:30 PM | Damariscotta Beginner's Group | Damariscotta | 4 Bristol Rd | Damariscotta | Discussion English Newcomer + Open Meeting |
6:30 PM | Camden 12 Step Beginners Meeting | Camden 12 Step Group | 33 Chestnut St | Camden | As Bill Sees It Discussion English + Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
7:00 PM | Warren Cushing Group | Warren | 252 Main St | Warren | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Speaker Wheelchair Access |
7:00 PM | Five Islands Big Book Group | Georgetown | 19 Old Schoolhouse Rd | Georgetown | Big Book English Open Meeting |
7:00 PM | Safe Harbor Group | St George | 2 Main St | Saint George | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
7:00 PM | Step Sisters | Portland | 509 Forest Ave | Portland | Big Book Discussion English + Open Meeting Step Meeting Wheelchair Access Women's Meeting |
7:00 PM | Sobriety in the Shed - The Week That Was | Portland Area | Online Portland, ME | Portland | Discussion English Open Meeting + Speaker |
7:00 PM | 11th Step Prayer & Meditation | Rockland | 150 Broadway | Rockland | Discussion English Meditation + Open Meeting |
7:00 PM | Midcoast More Will Be Revealed Group | Portland Area | Online Portland, ME | Portland | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Speaker |
7:00 PM | Wicked Sobah Group | Brunswick | 15 Cumberland St | Brunswick | Discussion English Open Meeting + Speaker |
7:00 PM | Let's Get Real Group | Lisbon Falls | 496 Lisbon St | Lisbon | Big Book English Open Meeting |
7:00 PM | Liberty Serenity Group | Liberty | 320 Pinnacle Rd | Liberty | English Newcomer Open Meeting |
7:00 PM | The Marbles Meeting | Hallowell | 29 Middle St | Hallowell | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
7:00 PM | Falmouth Group | Falmouth | 43 Foreside Rd | Falmouth | English Open Meeting Speaker + Wheelchair Access |
7:00 PM | Portland Big Book Step Study | Portland | 88 Preble St | Portland | Big Book English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
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- Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate.
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South Bristol, Maine AA Meetings
South Bristol is a resort town in Lincoln County, Maine, and many residents are struggling with alcohol use disorders from alcohol addiction. AA meetings in South Bristol are open to locals who want to stop taking alcohol and stay sober. Achieving addiction recovery is not an instant or automatic process. Affected persons may have to undergo professional treatment or join a support group to aid recovery. Alcoholics Anonymous has been assisting people with alcohol use disorders since its inception in 1935 and has played vital roles in countless addiction recoveries globally through its outreach programs, interventions, recovery aid, regular gatherings, and AA’s 12-step program to address their addiction struggles and help people manage this lifestyle-related ailment. If you or your loved one are in South Bristol and want to find a nearby AA meeting group, check our AA meetings Maine directory available on this site. There is no discrimination against individuals or members, and AA is not affiliated with any political, religious, or government institution. AA is a fellowship of people with a genuine appetite to quit drinking who regularly share their experiences, motivate each other, and learn new coping mechanisms. Our specialists offer over-the-phone support and can help you find standard professional treatment and alcohol rehab facilities within South Bristol.