Find AA meetings in Marquette, Michigan to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Michigan includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Lunch Bunch Group | Westwood Mall | 3020 US Hwy 41 | Marquette | Closed Meeting English |
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Marquette, Michigan AA Meetings
Marquette is a city located in Marquette County, in the state of Michigan, United States. It is the largest city in the Upper Peninsula and that makes its residents more familiar with Alcohol Use Disorder. Naturally, some of them are struggling with this serious medical condition. Over time, if not treated, Alcohol Use Disorder can ruin people’s lives and lead to severe health issues. The good news is that this medical condition can be treated. One of the most effective forms of alcohol treatment is Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings. They have shown to be effective with a high rate of success. The great news is that AA meetings in Marquette are available to local individuals who are struggling with alcohol. These meetings are a part of the AA meetings Michigan recovery program, which is focused on providing AA meetings on a large scale. A large number of these meetings have already been formed, and our online directory covers them all. In case you are interested to find out the exact locations of the nearest AA meetings, feel free to take a look at our website. Our specialists are regularly updating the list in order to always keep you up to date with the current information regarding AA meetings.