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Find AA Meetings in Ada, Minnesota

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Find AA meetings in Ada, Minnesota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Minnesota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
8:00 AM Saturday Morning Men's Group Olivet Lutheran Church Online 1330 S University Dr Fargo Closed Meeting   English   Men's Meeting +   Wheelchair Access   Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom
9:30 AM Saturday Morning Big Book Group Sat. Morning Big Book Group #609248 1011 17th St S Fargo Big Book   Closed Meeting   English +   Smoking Permitted   Wheelchair Access
9:30 AM Saturday AM Big Book Study First Congregational United Church of Christ 1101 17th Ave S Fargo Big Book   Closed Meeting   English
10:30 AM Fargo AA - Women's Meeting SDSOS Clubhouse 1112 3rd Ave S Fargo Closed Meeting   English   Women's Meeting
1:00 PM Fargo AA SDSOS Clubhouse 1112 3rd Ave S Fargo Closed Meeting   English
8:00 PM Fargo AA SDSOS Clubhouse 1112 3rd Ave S Fargo Closed Meeting   English
10:30 PM Fargo AA Candlelight SDSOS Clubhouse 1112 3rd Ave S Fargo Candlelight   Closed Meeting   English +   Newcomer   Step Meeting

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Ada, Minnesota AA Meetings

AA meetings in Ada provide help to those in the area with alcohol use disorder (AUD). As with AA around the world, there are no membership dues when joining AA in Minnesota. AA meetings are a forum for members to share their experience and thoughts on any topic related to AUD and the program. Some of these meetings are discussion meetings while others follow a step-by-step format depending on what type of meeting it is. In some AA meetings, a member who is elected to be the leader selects a topic for discussion. Meetings can be open or closed. At an open meeting, anyone can attend regardless of whether or not they have alcohol use disorder. In many meetings, individuals in the group share their personal stories and struggles and discuss their recovery journey. While meetings are free to attend the treasurer usually passes a hat halfway through the meeting to take any donations. New members are encouraged to attend as many meetings as they can, but a good place to start is with a Beginner’s meeting where they can get a strong introduction into AA. You can find listings for AA meetings in Ada in this directory. For help with formal rehab options outside of AA in Minnesota, call our specialists today.

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