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Find AA Meetings in Akeley, Minnesota

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Find AA meetings in Akeley, Minnesota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Minnesota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
12:00 PM Nooner Group # 000038031 112 Park Ave S Park Rapids Closed Meeting   English   Step Meeting
12:00 PM Friday Big Book Study Group Friday Big Book Study Group #679835 3802 Greenleaf Ave NW Bemidji Big Book   Closed Meeting   English
7:30 PM Longville Group Longville Group #118696 5043 MN-84 Longville Closed Meeting   English

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Akeley, Minnesota AA Meetings

Akeley is one of Minnesota’s smallest towns by population. That said, it might be harder to find AA meetings in Akeley than in larger cities. However, there is a strong presence of AA in Minnesota so there shouldn’t be an issue finding meetings in other parts of the state. AA is a free fellowship with no membership fees. Members help each other stay sober by sharing their experiences and providing mutual support for each other. In many meetings the group leader introduces the AA program usually by reading the AA preamble After, other members are given an opportunity to share their own stories. Beginner meetings generally focus on steps one and two of the recovery program and also give newcomers a strong foundation into what AA is all about. Many meetings are open to the public while others are closed with attendance restricted to members, or those with alcohol use disorder. Whether you’re a newcomer or a seasoned veteran, it is important to attend a few different types of AA meetings so that you can find the most suitable one for you. You can find listings to AA meetings in Akeley in our directory. For help with options other than AA in Minnesota, give our specialists a call today.

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