Find AA meetings in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Minnesota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Detroit Lakes, Minnesota AA Meetings
Detroit Lakes is a relatively small to medium city in the state of Minnesota and is located 45 miles east of the Fargo–Moorhead metropolitan area. Alcohol addiction requires effective treatment and therapy. The group meetings provided by Alcoholics Anonymous have proven to be quite effective in assisting persons with this disorder. This concept of support from persons meeting in the same space and coordinating their activates has proven to achieve positive results. At the AA meetings in Detroit Lakes, persons affected can access the local directory listing which provides information on the various meetings to be held. The support that is demonstrated by the Alcoholics Anonymous network is tremendous as they can point persons to the right treatment areas. Their mandate is to encourage sobriety and amongst persons who suffer from substance use disorders, so that they may maintain normalcy in their daily lives. At the AA Minnesota meetings, the 12-step approach is practiced, there are open and closed meetings, candlelight, large and small group meetings, and women’s only and men’s only group meetings. At the open meetings, persons are allowed to invite friends and families as they openly speak about the various situations of trying to stay sober. Within the closed meetings levels of privacy are maintained, there are no invitees that are allowed. At the AA Minnesota meetings, supervision of these meetings is carried out by previous members who can inspire and relate to these members as they were once in the program.