Find AA meetings in Ellendale, Minnesota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Minnesota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Austin Alano Groups | Austin Alano Groups #107649 | 1504 10th Dr SE | Austin | English Open Meeting |
1:00 PM | Ulstad Alano Society Group | Ulstad Alano Society Group #107643 | 1005 Ulstad Ave | Albert Lea | English |
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Ellendale, Minnesota AA Meetings
Ellendale is a small city in Steele County, in the US state of Minnesota. Alcohol use disorders in the city of Ellendale have been an issue as the persons affected have expressed the need to seek assistance from the AA meetings in Ellendale. The treatments that are readily available for issues of this nature may include dual medical diagnosis therapy, medication-assisted therapy, detoxification programs, and medication supervision. Help is also provided by the AA Minnesota meetings. Alcoholics Anonymous assists by guiding persons to the numerous rehab facilities and by hosting meetings. At the AA meetings, sponsorship is done by previous participants who function as volunteers, working with the members of the different programs used at the meetings. The fellowship is friendly amongst the members, as they can associate their differing experiences and share about the same issues previously faced. They use their stories to educate and motivate those seeking sobriety. There are open meetings where participants are permitted to freely share their experiences along with friends and families in attendance and closed meetings where members can speak privately. The aim is to encourage a level of sobriety. Various meeting styles using different types of delivery will help individuals achieve a healthy lifestyle.