Find AA meetings in Evansville, Minnesota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Minnesota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Out To Lunch Bunch Group | Out To Lunch Bunch Group #132436 | 215 E Junius Ave | Fergus Falls | English |
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Evansville, Minnesota AA Meetings
Evansville is a very small city in Douglas County, in the US state of Minnesota. Alcohol use disorders are a very serious matter for residents of Evansville. This problem may not rectify itself on its own without the intervention of certain strategies such as the implementation of the Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. These meetings have structured programs in place to assist in this rehab. Persons affected can access the local directory listing which was carefully organized by Alcoholics Anonymous to assist in this regard. The mandate of the organization is to observe and maintain sobriety and encourage persons to remain alcohol-free. At the AA meetings in Evansville, persons can attend the meetings which best fit their comfort level and interest. At the AA Minnesota meetings, previous members are the managers of the meetings and they are well equipped to do so as they have been in that situation before and they are now rehabilitated and providing the necessary experience to relate to the members. The atmosphere at the meetings is warm and friendly there are open and closed meetings, at open meetings members are allowed to invite people they know and they can share their experiences. At the closed meetings, members can have private meetings without friends and families being present. AA meetings are well equipped to coach and direct individuals to regaining a healthy lifestyle.