Find AA meetings in Granite Falls, Minnesota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Minnesota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Granite Falls, Minnesota AA Meetings
Granite Falls, Minnesota is the county seat of Yellow Medicine County and the city’s boundaries also extend into Chippewa County. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings are available in the community for residents who live with alcohol misuse, physical dependency on alcohol, or alcohol addiction. AA meetings in Granite Falls are held in public buildings and are open to anyone who wants to stop using alcohol. There are many AA meeting types, with step meetings being one of the best known. When you attend step meetings, you may discuss one of the 12 Steps of AA—typically in sequential order—or each attendee may be given the opportunity to talk about their current step work. The 12 Steps are organized in a specific order, but can be worked multiple times or out of order to best fit your recovery needs. You can attend multiple AA meeting types, including step meetings, to find the combination of meetings that helps you feel most supported on your recovery journey. Another common AA meeting type is a process-style meeting where individuals are given the opportunity to talk about what they are currently struggling with and recent victories so they can receive support and solidarity from the group. Information for AA Minnesota meetings in and near Granite Falls are listed in the directory.