Find AA meetings in Hillman, Minnesota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Minnesota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Brown Baggers Group Baxter | Brown Baggers Group #677064 | 7829 Minnesota 210 | Baxter | English Open Meeting |
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Hillman, Minnesota AA Meetings
Hillman is a city in Morrison County, Minnesota. If you have alcohol addiction, you may benefit from several types of treatment and support. For example, some individuals need medical attention while detoxing from alcohol to manage uncomfortable and medically significant withdrawal symptoms. Some alcohol addiction treatment services tend to be most available in larger metropolitan areas, such as detox centers, inpatient rehab facilities, and sober living housing. However, you can receive social support in recovery anywhere from the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) community. AA is a group support organization that was created to help people achieve sobriety from alcohol. AA meetings are available throughout the United States, including virtual meetings that can accommodate individuals who do not have access to in-person meetings. AA provides peer support through meetings that consist entirely of individuals who have personal experience with alcohol addiction, including facilitators who are senior members of the AA community rather than the clinicians who might facilitate formal group therapy groups. This creates an intimate atmosphere where you can find solidarity and understanding. Find AA meetings in Hillman by searching the directory. If you need professional support in addition to the peer support of the AA Minnesota community, call to speak to an addiction treatment specialist about your options.