Find AA meetings in Holdingford, Minnesota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Minnesota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Holdingford, Minnesota AA Meetings
Called “The Gateway to Lake Wobegon,” Holdingford is a city in Stearns County, Minnesota. If you have become concerned about the impact of alcohol on your life, your loved ones have expressed their own concern, or you have received an alcohol use disorder diagnosis, you may wonder where you can find help. There are many services to help individuals with alcohol addiction become and stay sober. One of the resources you can begin using immediately is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). AA meetings in Holdingford are free of charge, private, and open to anyone who wants to stop using alcohol regardless of their medical, behavioral health, or alcohol addiction treatment history. AA is a peer support organization, the oldest in existence created specifically to help individuals with alcohol addiction. Because AA is peer-facilitated, it is not formal therapy and can not take the place of a rehab program or therapy if you need these professional services. However, many individuals find that this extension of their social support network is a useful resource in recovery and that AA fits flexibly into many stages of recovery and treatment plans. For example, leaving inpatient rehab is a period of transition when many programs recommend AA meetings for community support that you can flexibly attend to help yourself adjust from residential care to an outpatient setting. You can find upcoming AA Minnesota meetings in the directory.