Find AA meetings in Lamberton, Minnesota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Minnesota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
9:30 AM | Windom Group | Windom Group #107984 | 428 9th St | Windom | Closed Meeting Discussion English |
5:30 PM | Three Legacies New Beginnings For Women Group | Three Legacies New Beginnings For Women Group #693542 | 100 N Washington St | New Ulm | Big Book Closed Meeting English + Women's Meeting |
7:00 PM | Three Legacies Group | Three Legacies Group #175209 | 100 N Washington St | New Ulm | Big Book Closed Meeting English |
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Lamberton, Minnesota AA Meetings
Lamberton is a town in Redwood County, Minnesota, with many residents who have experienced the effects of alcohol addiction in one way or the other. Alcohol addiction, also called alcohol use disorder, is characterized by excessive compulsive consumption of alcohol. Individuals affected may experience a level of deterioration in their quality of life. There are several methods of treating alcohol addiction. These methods include detoxification which should be carried out in an inpatient facility, administration of drugs, behavioral therapy, and counseling. While medications are non-addictive and help prevent relapse, behavioral therapy helps individuals recognize scenarios and cases that trigger drinking, teaching them to manage those situations better. Recovering from alcohol addiction and other alcohol-induced ailments can be complex, especially with the occasional relapse. AA Minnesota provides the necessary support, care, and guidance patients need to make the recovery process more manageable. AA meetings in Lamberton are characterized by a warm and friendly environment free of stigmatization and discrimination. Built on a foundation of mutual encouragement, AA members are dedicated to helping each other achieve sobriety and remain sober. You can reach out to our specialist for information on treatment centers near you. You can also locate the nearest meeting to you using the AA directory published on this site.