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Find AA Meetings in McGregor, Minnesota

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Find AA meetings in McGregor, Minnesota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Minnesota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
7:00 PM Happy Joyous And Free Group Moose Lake Happy Joyous And Free Group #646266 60 Hartman Drive Moose Lake English   Open Meeting   Speaker

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McGregor, Minnesota AA Meetings

McGregor is a city in Aitkin County, Minnesota. Many residents who are trying to recover from alcohol use disorder are unaware that the Alcoholics Anonymous community established AA meetings in McGregor to help them. The Alcoholics Anonymous community is a well-known organization that was founded to help people who are adamant about staying sober at all costs. This means that the Alcoholics Anonymous community is only open to people who have admitted to having a drinking situation that requires immediate attention. On the other hand, the Alcoholics Anonymous community does not provide professional treatment for alcohol use disorder. The Alcoholics Anonymous community believes that bringing together people who are committed to staying sober has therapeutic value and can help them overcome the obstacles they face. As a result, the Alcoholics Anonymous community is built on the principle of mutual aid. Everyone shares what they believe will be helpful to other members who are attempting to stay sober. Everyone is welcome in the Alcoholics Anonymous community, and no one is ever judged. Members who have relapsed are not punished. The Alcoholics Anonymous community is there to assist them in regaining their footing. On, we created an AA directory to help residents of McGregor and other cities across the United States who do not know where to find AA meetings near them. In the directory, you will find some of the best AA Minnesota meetings, as well as those from other states.

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