Find AA meetings in Paxton Township, Minnesota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Minnesota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Paxton Township, Minnesota AA Meetings
Organized in 1879, and named after local landowner James Wilson Paxton, Paxton Township is one of the twenty-six townships of Redwood County, in the state of Minnesota. Due to its small population, there aren’t as many AA meetings in Paxton Township as other areas with larger populations. AA in Minnesota is very prominent, meaning meetings shouldn’t be too hard to find across the state. Those who have never attended an AA meeting might be wondering just what they are like. There are all sorts of different types of meetings but many follow a similar agenda. Typically, meetings are led by rotating leaders who are elected by the group. The leader usually kicks the meeting off with some administrative announcements. Oftentimes there is a reading of the AA preamble, the 12 Steps of AA and the !2 Traditions of AA. Meetings are free but at some point you can expect a basket to be passed around for donations. At some point the meetings are opened up for members to get up and share. AA meetings can be extremely helpful to those with alcohol used disorder, but they are not a form of formal rehab treatment. If you are looking for more than just AA meetings in Paxton Township, call our specialists today.