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Find AA Meetings in Roseau, Minnesota

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Find AA meetings in Roseau, Minnesota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Minnesota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Roseau, Minnesota AA Meetings

Roseau is the county seat of Roseau County in Northwestern Minnesota. The city is located less than 10 miles from the Canadian border. For those with alcohol addiction who live in the local area, an online schedule of AA meetings in Roseau is available. Overcoming substance use disorder often involves relapses. A relapse is an episode of alcohol use after a period of sobriety. A relapse is often viewed as a setback in a person’s’ alcohol recovery program; therefore, many recovering people opt to work on a relapse prevention plan as part of their primary addiction treatment. If relapse does occur, it is not a sign that a person’s recovery has failed; but there are some effective methods of managing it. For example, the 12-Step program of Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) can assist people who have relapsed to get back on track. Relapse interventions by AA Minnesota, and other AA groups across the country, can help prepare you for long-term sobriety by assisting you in working the 12-Steps. If you are in recovery and have had a recent relapse, you may need more structured programming than AA can provide to get sober again. If you need help locating a relapse prevention program, contact one of our addiction specialists. We can help you find a reliable, safe treatment program so that you can get started back on the road to recovery.

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