Find AA meetings in Underwood, Minnesota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Minnesota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Wadena AA Group | Wadena AA Group #000007444 | 421 4th St NW | Wadena | English Open Meeting |
12:00 PM | Out To Lunch Bunch Group | Out To Lunch Bunch Group #132436 | 215 E Junius Ave | Fergus Falls | English |
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Underwood, Minnesota AA Meetings
Many people in Underwood are known to be struggling with the addiction to alcohol. Alcohol addiction is a medical condition that can have far-reaching consequences on many areas of a person’s life. It can affect their overall status of health as it can cause some serious complications and illnesses. Alcohol Addiction can also ruin relationships with people, cause slacking in school and career as well. On the bright side, one can always recover from alcohol addiction and start a new life. AA Minnesota is organizing group meetings and other recovery programs as part of the Alcoholics Anonymous initiative that is aiming to help people recover from alcohol use disorder. Members are highly encouraged to socialize and build friendships with their peers once they join the community. These relationships can turn out to be helpful in the long run as well as on the road to recovery. AA meetings in Underwood are being held to help people who are dealing with alcohol addiction by incorporating faith and connection to a higher power along with the group sessions so that members can be strong both morally and spiritually. The anonymity and confidentiality of members and what they decide to share are taken very seriously in the AA so that members can feel safe and comfortable sharing whatever they want to share with their groups.