Find AA meetings in Winnebago, Minnesota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Minnesota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Fairmont Big Book Group | Fairmont Big Book Group #135838 | 214 Downtown Plaza | Fairmont | Big Book English Open Meeting |
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Winnebago, Minnesota AA Meetings
Winnebago is a city in Faribault County, in the state of Minnesota. Dealing with alcohol addiction is extremely hard and can bring along many negative consequences. Most individuals who have experienced alcohol addiction symptoms needed proper support in their lives. No one needs to experience all of these troubles alone and every individual should get the chance to receive proper social support. That is exactly what AA meetings in Winnebago are about and every member is treated with the utmost respect. Of course, connecting with other members is very valuable as you will be able to receive support and constructive feedback. Individuals who decide to join AA Minnesota meetings will see that getting appropriate support is one of the most important things in this process. Open and closed meetings are probably the most popular support groups. Naturally, there are many other kinds of meetings as well and beginners meetings are usually recommended to new members. If you are still considering attending any sort of treatment program, we assure you that AA meetings in Winnebago will be very helpful if you decide to give them a chance. Also, our representatives can inform you of different recovery options and help you find the best program that will suit your needs.