Find AA meetings in Zumbrota, Minnesota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Minnesota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Downtown A.A. Group | Downtown A.A. Group #609990 | 400 5th Ave SW | Rochester | English |
12:00 PM | Freedom From Bondage Group | Freedom From Bondage Group #695071 | 111 3rd Ave SW | Rochester | Closed Meeting English |
1:00 PM | Pioneer Group | Pioneer Group #107900 | 1340 3rd Ave SE | Rochester | English |
3:00 PM | Stepping Stone Group Rochester | Stepping Stone Group #669029 | 1112 9th Street Northeast | Rochester | English |
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Zumbrota, Minnesota AA Meetings
Zumbrota is a city located in Goodhue County, in the state of Minnesota. Being known as the only Zumbrota in the world, this city is home to some residents who have been coping with alcohol-related issues. In case you live in the area and you are having alcohol issues, we recommend you consider joining AA meetings in Zumbrota. These meetings take place on a day-to-day basis and can help you find the peace and support you need. It goes without saying that you can attend as many meetings as you wish and choose between many types along the way. AA Minnesota meetings are usually led by sponsors and more experienced members who introduce you to the concept of group support meetings and show you the way. A lot of experts recommend AA meetings as one of the highly effective treatment programs. It is worth mentioning that if you choose open meetings, family members can also be present during meetings as additional support. There are also closed meetings, designed for AA members only, and for those who struggle with alcohol issues. The good news is that our online directory located on our website can help you find the nearest AA meetings available for attendance.