Find AA meetings in Amory, Mississippi to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Mississippi includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:05 PM | Spiritual Progress Group | Spiritual Progress Group | 314 S Church St | Tupelo | Closed Meeting Discussion English |
12:15 PM | Lunch Bunch Group | Columbus Lunch Bunch Group | 1286 Pickensville Rd | Columbus | Discussion English Open Meeting |
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Amory, Mississippi AA Meetings
Amory is a city located in Monroe County, in the state of Mississippi. Being close to the Alabama border, this city is home to numerous residents who are familiar with alcohol use disorder. Unfortunately, some of them are even experiencing this medical condition daily. In order to help those people, the AA community has organized AA meetings in Amory as a way of offering solutions that would help local residents deal with alcohol issues and get their life under control. Alcoholics Anonymous meetings help people who are experiencing alcohol-related issues to deal with these issues by providing proven treatment methods to them. All AA meetings in Mississippi offer a lovely and friendly environment where individuals will feel free to interact with other people and share their experiences. There are many kinds of AA meetings available. The good news is that your friend, family member, or your partner can be present during these meetings and be there as additional support to you. For newcomers, and individuals without experience in group meetings, we recommend Beginner meetings. For more experienced members, the 12 Step Program, Open meetings, Discussion meetings, LGBT meetings, and Gender-specific meetings are one of the most popular types. If you would like to search for the most convenient AA meeting, our online directory can help you locate one. Additionally, if you need more help, please give our specialists a call.