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Find AA Meetings in Columbus, Mississippi

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Find AA meetings in Columbus, Mississippi to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Mississippi includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
12:15 PM Lunch Time Group Lunch Time Group 627 College St Columbus English   Newcomer
12:15 PM Lunch Bunch Group Columbus Lunch Bunch Group 1286 Pickensville Rd Columbus Discussion   English   Open Meeting

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Columbus, Mississippi AA Meetings

Columbus is a significant Mississippi city, being the county seat of Lowndes County. As with most major cities, there are many AA meetings in Columbus. These meetings, as with all AA meetings in Mississippi, have dedicated themselves to helping those wanting to recover from alcohol use disorder. At the AA meetings Columbus MS offers, you get to make progress by following a structured and straightforward template laid out by the family 12 Steps of AA. These meetings won’t push you out of your comfort zone until you are absolutely ready. AA lets you move along the recovery line at your pace. This way, it can help provide tools you might use against a relapse. Know, however, that AA does not judge you in the case of relapse. On the contrary, AA accepts relapse as a part of general recovery, and encourages members to learn from their own relapse and share their story with other members to help them learn. AA believes that it is successful due in large part to its philosophy of sharing. Members are encouraged to be open and honest while also helping to maintain the anonymity that is a big part of the organization. AA is not a substitute for formal rehab treatment. If you are looking for more than AA meetings in Columbus, give our specialists a call today.

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