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Find AA Meetings in Leakesville, Mississippi

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Find AA meetings in Leakesville, Mississippi to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Mississippi includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
7:00 PM Shed Group Shed Group 27730 MS-57 Leakesville English   Open Meeting   Smoking Permitted
6:00 PM Wiggins Group Wiggins Group 207 N Parker St Wiggins English   Open Meeting
7:00 PM TANNER WILLIAMS GROUP Tanner Williams UMC 1550 S Grand Bay Wilmer Rd Mobile Discussion   English   Open Meeting
7:00 PM Grupo Una Luz En La Oscurida Grupo Una Luz En La Oscurida Old Mobile Hwy, Mississippi 39452 Lucedale Spanish
7:00 PM CHICKASAW 5th TRADITION GROUP St. Michaels Episcopal Church 300 Grant St Chickasaw Big Book   English   Open Meeting

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Leakesville, Mississippi AA Meetings

Leakesville is a town in Green County, Mississippi. AA meetings in Leakesville support the town’s growing population which has resulted in more people looking to get help as they struggle with alcohol use disorder, and their search for practical help on their journey. The AA meetings in Mississippi provide that help, ensuring that you have tools and learning that just might help stop you from facing hiccups on your recovery journey. Instead, you have a reliable network of people who can help you through their own experiences. Many who have been on this road can attest that it is rewarding in the end. However, it is also fraught with challenges and issues. Members who attend AA meetings understand that fact, which is why they have set up protocols to help you get through the hurdles. All you have to do as AA members say is “keep coming to meetings”, and you will be able to get the support of a strongly bonded fellowship. AA meetings in Leakesville occur at all different times of day during the week. If you are thinking about going to AA, understand that it is not a replacement for formal rehab treatment. If you are looking for more than AA meetings in Mississippi, give our specialists a call.

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