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Find AA Meetings in Callaway, Nebraska

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Find AA meetings in Callaway, Nebraska to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Nebraska includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
11:00 AM Grupo Nueva Vida Grupo Nueva Vida -- Lexington 114 W 8th St Lexington Discussion   Open Meeting   Spanish
8:00 PM Grupo Lexington A.A. Group Grupo Lexington A.A. Group -- Lexington 114 W 6th St Lexington Discussion   Open Meeting   Spanish

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Callaway, Nebraska AA Meetings

Residents of Callaway, a village in Custer County, Nebraska, can now access proper recovery support for alcohol use disorders thanks to Alcoholics Anonymous. Alcoholics Anonymous is a global mutual aid organization made up of individuals at various stages of alcohol use disorder committed to helping each other attain long-term sobriety. Several locals have benefited from the AA meetings in Callaway and gone on to live addiction-free lives. AA meetings in Callaway guide its members to recovery using the 12-steps approach. The 12-steps approach provides a structured framework of healing that leads members through a path of reflection and self-evaluation. The AA meetings Nebraska holds are open to anyone who wishes to stop drinking and could be attended at any point in the recovery process; independently of conventional treatment methods, while undertaking a treatment method, after completing a treatment program, or as a measure of long-term support. These meetings are a safe space free of judgment and discrimination, where members can freely express themselves and learn from each other’s experiences. For information on the treatment programs in your environment, you can call our team of specialists. You can also use the AA directory published online to locate AA meetings near you.

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