Find AA meetings in Elko, Nevada to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Nevada includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
8:00 AM | Exhale | Club 164 | 2140 Idaho St | Elko | Discussion English Open Meeting |
12:00 PM | Elko Group | Alano Club | 680 River St | Elko | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
2:00 PM | Exhale | Club 164 | 2140 Idaho St | Elko | Discussion English Open Meeting |
5:15 PM | Five N Live | Alano Club | 680 River St | Elko | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Wheelchair Access |
5:30 PM | Exhale | Club 164 | 2140 Idaho St | Elko | Discussion English Open Meeting |
5:30 PM | ELKYPAA Group | Club 164 | 2140 Idaho St | Elko | Discussion English Open Meeting + Young People |
7:00 PM | Squad #1 Spring Creek Group | Spring Creek Baptist Church | 368 Spring Creek Pkwy | Spring Creek | Discussion English Open Meeting |
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- Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate.
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Elko, Nevada AA Meetings
Elko, Nevada draws numerous types of residents, from adventurers to commuters to college students. No matter which demographic you belong to, you may find yourself trying to overcome alcohol misuse or addiction. In addition to Elko’s outdoor attractions, family-friendly amenities, and local campus, the city also offers resources for individuals who have a desire to stop using alcohol and who need support. You may need formal treatment at a detox facility, rehab center, outpatient program, or therapist’s office. However, you can begin receiving peer support today regardless of your situation through Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). AA meetings in Nevada are open to any individual who has a desire to give up alcohol and is looking for a supportive community of other individuals with the same goal. AA does not offer any medical or therapeutic treatment for alcohol addiction. Instead, AA creates a welcoming, safe environment for you to speak about your addiction, how it has affected your life, how you are approaching recovery, and your hopes for the future. You will also have a chance to hear the stories of people in various stages of recovery, which can provide perspective, insight, and motivation on your own journey. Find professional treatment by calling to speak to an addiction treatment specialist and find AA meetings in Elko, NV in the directory.