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Find AA Meetings in Ellicottville, New York

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Find AA meetings in Ellicottville, New York to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in New York includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
12:00 PM 511 Al Anon Club 511 / Al-Anon Club 511 East 2nd Street Jamestown Closed Meeting   Discussion   Wheelchair Access +   Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom
12:00 PM Monday, Wednesday And Friday How It Works Group Jefferson Defrees Family Center 207 2nd Ave Warren Discussion   English
12:00 PM Two Ponds Two Ponds 36 Thomas Indian School Dr Irving Discussion   English   Open Meeting
12:30 PM Holiday Village Watermark Wesleyan Church 4999 McKinley Pkwy Hamburg Discussion   English   Open Meeting
2:00 PM Thankful Thankful 101 King St East Aurora Closed Meeting   English

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Ellicottville, New York AA Meetings

Alcoholics anonymous (AA) is a platform for those who seek help and are trying to beat their drinking problem. It involves various group and individual activities that make alcohol use disorder patients understand the problem and figure out a solution and help them find a way out. Alcohol is an addictive substance that has a long history of consumption by human beings. These effects have made alcohol a staple drug for all parts of the world for millennia. The addiction makes people ignore its negative side effects. And it is this thing mostly, that leads many into addiction. Alcohol abuse causes severe liver damage as well as medical problems associated with the brain. It’s addiction also causes significant economic dismay upon it’s unwary victims. It causes a cyclical chain of poverty and economic failure. Its social effects are even more adverse as it is a major factor in numerous family issues, such as traumatized children, lack of communication and understanding with the partner and eventually divorce. The addiction of alcohol also leads addicts to commit crime and become less responsible members of society. It is these and other factors that led to the existence of NY AA meetings and AA meetings in Ellicottville, to help recuperate addicted individuals and return them as free and productive members of society.

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