Find AA meetings in Bowman, North Dakota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in North Dakota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Bowman, North Dakota AA Meetings
Bowan is a city and the county seat of Bowman County, North Dakota. The AA meetings in Bowman provide a source of support to those in the area with alcohol use disorder. To supplement these meetings, there are also several other AA meetings in Nord Dakota. AA has a long history that started back in 1935 when it was founded by Bill Wilson and Dr. Robert Smith in Akron, Ohio. AA members often refer to the founder as Bill W. and Dr. Bob. Bill Wilson wrote what many people consider the be the bible of AA and what is referred to as the Big Book. In the Big Book, readers can find out the basic principles of AA and learn about the famous 12 Steps of AA. There are also testimonials within the Big Book from people with alcohol use disorder who reached recovery with the help of AA. AA can be a great source of peer support but it is not a formal rehab treatment. You will have to look outside of AA to get formal treatment for alcohol use disorder. Our specialists can help you find options that might be right for you. Browse this directory for listings of AA meetings in Bowman.