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Find AA Meetings in New England, North Dakota

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Find AA meetings in New England, North Dakota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in North Dakota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
9:30 AM Saturday Morning Live Saturday Morning Live #711997 1550 21st St W Dickinson Closed Meeting   Discussion   English +   Wheelchair Access
7:30 PM Saturday Night Live A.A. Saturday Night Candlelight Group #679523 822 5th Ave W Dickinson As Bill Sees It   Big Book   Birthday +   Closed Meeting   Daily Reflections   English

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New England, North Dakota AA Meetings

Not to be confused with the NE region of the country, New England is a small city in North Dakota. With a very small population, you might expect that there aren’t a ton of AA meetings in New England. However, there are several AA meetings in North Dakota that provide support to those in the area with alcohol use disorder (AUD). There have been many studies about the effectiveness of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). AA has shown higher rates of sustained abstinence than some alternatives. However, no treatment is 100% effective, and there are still many areas where researchers need to do more to learn about the effectiveness. This is especially true with AA where anonymity plays a big role in researchers not always getting the data they need to come up with solid conclusions. Still, the benefits of AA have been noted in various studies. The accessibility of AA makes it a go-to choice for many people who are looking to recover from alcohol use disorder. To find out if AA is right for you, you should try attending a meeting or two. You can find listings of AA meetings in New England in this directory. If you are looking for more than AA meetings in North Dakota, get in touch with our specialists today.

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