Find AA meetings in Fort Yates, North Dakota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in North Dakota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Fort Yates, North Dakota AA Meetings
Fort Yates is a small city in Sioux County, North Dakota. AA meetings in Fort Yates, and other AA meetings in North Dakota, are available to residents with alcohol use disorder (AUD). Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship of people with alcohol use disorder. AA charges no membership fees or dues and meetings are also free. The 12 Steps of AA program is aimed at helping those with AUD get sober by encouraging one another. The program is based on a spiritual foundation. It has been around for nearly a century and has helped millions of people in recovery. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) does not require its members to be religious or belong to a specific religion. It welcomes all religions, as long as they share the common purpose of helping people overcome AUD. While AA references a higher power, it is up to each member to define that higher power for themselves. There are several different types of AA meetings including, speaker meetings, discussion meetings, 12-step meetings, 12-tradition meetings, and more. Browse this directory for listings of AA meetings in Fort Yates or contact our specialists for options that provide more than AA meetings in North Dakota can.