Find AA meetings in Talihina, Oklahoma to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Oklahoma includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Poteau Unity Group | Poteau Unity Group | 411 Clayton Ave | Poteau | Discussion English Open Meeting |
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Talihina, Oklahoma AA Meetings
AA Oklahoma organizes AA meetings in Talihina- a town in Le Flore County, Oklahoma- to reach out to more locals diagnosed with alcohol use disorder and other alcohol-related illnesses. In these meetings, members can share their opinions, challenges, and experiences of the addiction with a community of like-minded persons bound by the common objective of attaining long-term sobriety. Because these individuals are at different recovery stages abs from different walks of life, members can relate to each other’s struggles and learn from each other’s experiences as they support themselves through rough patches. The 12-step approach is a major strategy employed in tacking AUD. The 12-step program, which is a framework of steps aimed at self-awareness and discovery, imparts members with techniques and strategies that help members manage the condition. You can attend AA meetings in Talihina with or without undergoing formal treatment methods like rehab. You can also participate in AA meetings after completing a treatment program. If you or your loved one needs help locating treatment centers, you can reach our experts via our helplines. They’ll supply you with information on the treatment facilities available to you. Lastly, meetings are non-discriminatory; you can attend any of the meetings listed in the online directory