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Find AA Meetings in Bonanza, Oregon

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Find AA meetings in Bonanza, Oregon to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Oregon includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
6:45 AM Sunrise Big Book Study Congregational Church 2154 Garden Ave Klamath Falls Big Book   Discussion   English +   Open Meeting
12:00 PM Noon Midday Meeting 707 High Street 707 High St Klamath Falls Discussion   English   Open Meeting
7:00 PM ABC2 Group Candlelight Meeting ABC2 707 High St Klamath Falls Candlelight   English   Open Meeting
7:00 PM Recovery & Relationships(Al-Anon) 707 High Street 707 High St Klamath Falls English   Open Meeting

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Bonanza, Oregon AA Meetings

Alcohol use disorder might not be a contagious disease in the traditional sense; however, having a family history with alcohol is a definite risk factor for developing AUD. AUD is a chronic disease, and like any chronic disease, genetics play a role in getting diagnosed with it. Your social environment can be a risk factor as drinking is a social activity and the more people drink around you, the more you may drink. You would have to be very careful to avoid AUD in such a situation, but many people are unable to manage their drinking. Here is the good news: no matter how severe the case may be, people can still benefit from receiving treatment. Why not consider getting help from Alcoholics Anonymous? Alcoholics Anonymous, AA for short, is a support group of people suffering from alcohol-related problems. They motivate each other on their path to lead an alcohol-free lifestyle. If you live around the area, then why not check out the local AA meetings in Bonanza? The AA website lists all the places where you can attend AA Oregon meetings. It is time to leave the drinking life and embrace a more sober life.

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