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Find AA Meetings in Klamath Falls, Oregon

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Find AA meetings in Klamath Falls, Oregon to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Oregon includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
6:45 AM Sunrise Meeting Congregational Church 2154 Garden Ave Klamath Falls Discussion   English   Meditation +   Open Meeting
12:00 PM Faithful Friday(Al-Anon) 707 High Street 707 High St Klamath Falls English   Open Meeting
12:00 PM Noon Brown Baggers Noon Brown Baggers 4431 S 6th St Klamath Falls English   Open Meeting
6:00 PM XYZ-32 Group XYZ-32 1175 Crescent Ave Klamath Falls Discussion   English   Open Meeting
7:00 PM ABC2 Group, As Bill Sees It ABC2 707 High St Klamath Falls As Bill Sees It   English   Open Meeting
6:00 PM Chiloquin Group Community Center 140 S 1st Ave Chiloquin English   Open Meeting

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Klamath Falls, Oregon AA Meetings

When deciding that one wants to do something about their Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), the first step is coming with the terms of the problem at hand and understanding the situation. Then, steps have to be taken towards altering different aspects of life with the assistance of various actions and treatment methods that can be incorporated. These things can comprise changes in lifestyle and seeking out support from others. Although, it must be noted that each tactic to recovery must be designed to address different territories of alcohol misuse and its consequences for the individual, family, and community. One of the treatments one can receive is behavioral therapy. Behavioral approaches help people get involved in the drug treatment procedure to provide reasons for individuals to remain sober, mold their outlooks and characteristics related to alcohol use, and increase their ability to handle nerve-wracking situations and surrounding factors that may induce urges to consume alcohol and become a source of relapse. AA Oregon is part of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) that aims to offer these types of behavioral therapies. AA meetings in Klamath Falls are organized to offer members a safe and secure atmosphere where they can share experiences, learn from one another and receive guidance on how to better manage their conditions.

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