Find AA meetings in Brownsville, Pennsylvania to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Pennsylvania includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
5:00 PM | Conscious Contact Meditiation Group | Sunset Hills Presbyterian Church | 900 Country Club Dr | Pittsburgh | Discussion English Meditation |
6:00 PM | Ain't It Great To Be Sober | Camel Club Of Penn Hills | 6241 Saltsburg Rd | Pittsburgh | Discussion English |
6:00 PM | Friday Night Womens Group | St. Andrews Lutheran Church | 304 Morewood Ave | Pittsburgh | Discussion English |
6:00 PM | 6 P.M. After Work Discussion Group | Camel Club Of Penn Hills | 6241 Saltsburg Rd | Pittsburgh | Discussion English |
6:00 PM | K.I.S.S. Group | The Foundry Church | 432 High St | Morgantown | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
6:00 PM | This Is H.O.W. Group | Brush Creek Evangelical Lutheran Church | 177 Brush Creek Rd | Irwin | Discussion English |
6:00 PM | Turtle Creek Winners Circle Gp | Westinghouse Human Resource Bldg | 519 Penn Ave | Turtle Creek | Discussion English |
6:00 PM | Friday Nite Womens Group | St. Andrews Lutheran Church | 304 Morewood Ave | Pittsburgh | English |
6:30 PM | Good Orderly Direction Group | Millcraft Bldg. 3rd Floor | 90 W Chestnut St | Washington | English Step Meeting |
6:30 PM | Sewickley Friday Beginners Group | United Methodist Church | 337 Broad St | Sewickley | Discussion English Newcomer |
6:30 PM | Bellevue Fri Nighters Group | New Life Community Church | 45 N Fremont Ave | Pittsburgh | Big Book English |
6:30 PM | Fairchance Group | Good Works | 102 Old Wynn Rd | Uniontown | Discussion English |
6:45 PM | Baldwin Whitehall Group | Baldwin Methodist Church | 5001 Baptist Rd | Pittsburgh | English Literature |
7:00 PM | Glenshaw Hilltop Group | Church of our Savior | 2405 Clearview Dr | Glenshaw | Discussion English |
7:00 PM | Baldwin Whitehall Group Baptist Road | Baldwin Whitehall Group Baptist Road | 5001 Baptist Road | Pittsburgh | Literature |
7:00 PM | AA For The Deaf And Hearing Impaired | St. Peters Episcopal Church | 4048 Brownsville Rd | Brentwood | English Sign Language Speaker + Temporary Closure Wheelchair Access |
7:00 PM | ASPINWALL BEGINNERS | Aspinwall Presbyterian Church | 299 Center Ave | Aspinwall | Discussion English Newcomer + Open Meeting |
7:00 PM | Springdale Young At Heart Group | Springdale Methodist Church | 735 Pittsburgh St | Springdale | Discussion English |
7:00 PM | Greensburg Gratitude Group | Sage's Army Recovery Center | 6044 Lincoln Hwy #400 | Greensburg | Discussion English Wheelchair Access |
7:00 PM | Aspinwall Beginners | Aspinwall Presbyterian Church | 299 Centre Ave | Pittsburgh | Discussion English Newcomer |
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- Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate.
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Brownsville, Pennsylvania AA Meetings
Brownsville is a borough found in Fayette county, Pennsylvania. Alcohol use disorder is very common among the residents of Brownsville. AA meetings in Brownsville are organized to help individuals deal with their AUD. Alcohol use disorder is a serious problem that has become popular in the past few decades all across the United States and especially Pennsylvania. Alcoholics anonymous Pennsylvania is found all across the state to help individuals deal with the alcohol problem being faced today. Alcohol use disorder is a mental disorder that occurs when a person drinks a lot for a prolonged period of time causing their body to become physically and mentally dependent on it. When a person has been consistently drinking from a young age alcohol becomes an important part of their lives and forces the individual to neglect all other obligations. This in turn causes a person to miss important tasks at work, school…etc. This brings about some terrible consequences. In addition to all this, alcohol use disorder also brings about different health problems such as high blood pressure, damage to the liver and kidney, and nutritional deficiencies. Because of its harmful nature it is highly advised to immediately seek professional help for individuals dealing with AUD.