Find AA meetings in Clinton, Pennsylvania to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Pennsylvania includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Sunday Noon Group | Club Above | 428 Broadway Blvd #2nd | Pitcairn | Discussion English |
12:00 PM | Women With A Solution Group Pittsburgh | Women With A Solution Group Pittsburgh | 1625 West Carson Street | Pittsburgh | Closed Meeting |
12:30 PM | Noon Working Persons Group | Camel Club Of Penn Hills | 6241 Saltsburg Rd | Pittsburgh | Discussion English |
1:00 PM | Hazelwood Discussion Group | Church Of The Good Shepherd | Johnston Ave & Second Avenue | Pittsburgh | Discussion English |
1:00 PM | How II Group | True Vine Anglican Church | 700 E Main St | Monongahela | Discussion English |
2:00 PM | Primary Purpose | Americans for Prosperity. | 338 Market St | Steubenville | Discussion English Open Meeting |
2:00 PM | Welcome Home Group West Carson Street | Welcome Home Group West Carson Street | 1625 West Carson Street | Pittsburgh | Discussion |
2:00 PM | Welcome Home Group | Onala Club | 1625 W Carson St | Pittsburgh | Discussion English |
3:00 PM | BRIDGEVILLE | Holy Child Parish Office | 212 Station St | Bridgeville | Discussion English Open Meeting |
3:00 PM | Garfield Noon Group | Bloomfield/Garfield Rec Center | 113 N Pacific Ave | Pittsburgh | English Speaker |
4:00 PM | We Go to Any Lengths | Camel Club Of Penn Hills | 6241 Saltsburg Rd | Pittsburgh | Discussion English |
4:00 PM | Womens Serenity and Grace | Sunset Hills Presbyterian Church | 900 Country Club Dr | Pittsburgh | English Literature Women's Meeting |
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- Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate.
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Clinton, Pennsylvania AA Meetings
Clinton is a little city in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. The city is a part of the Findlay Township, and it is exactly adjacent to the Pittsburgh International Airport. Many people see Clinton as a quick flyover city that you can stop at when you get into Pennsylvania from the airport. However, it has developed significantly over the past few years. Now, the city has a wide array of amenities that allow people to live and enjoy themselves. Now, you can enjoy the best that life has to offer as a citizen of Clinton. This includes some of the top alcoholics anonymous Pennsylvania meetings. For people who have alcohol addictions and would like to turn a new leaf, these meetings provide a substantial opportunity to be better. As anyone who has been through them will tell you, the Clinton AA meetings are one of a kind. They take anybody in, regardless of who they are or how bad their addiction is. The sessions are moderated by seasoned facilitators who understand addiction’s effects and are willing to help you become better for yourself. As you enjoy the best in terms of care, you can also lend a helping hand to someone else battling the same challenges. Help each other to grow and be happier for it.