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Find AA Meetings in Parker, Pennsylvania

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Find AA meetings in Parker, Pennsylvania to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Pennsylvania includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
12:00 PM Womens Sobriety Clutch Punxsutawney Area Library 301 E Mahoning St # 4 Punxsutawney English   Women's Meeting
12:00 PM Butler Concerned Group Grace Calvary Church 123 E Diamond St Butler Discussion   English
12:00 PM Buttermilk Falls Group Homewood United Methodist Chruch 127 1st Ave Beaver English

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Parker, Pennsylvania AA Meetings

Parker is a city in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. The city is believed to be the smallest in Pennsylvania by landmass, and it also doesn’t have much in terms of population as well. It is located in the outer part of Armstrong County’s northwest region, with people living quietly and enjoying the suburb life. While Parker might seem like a small town, it still measures up to some of the biggest cities in Pennsylvania when it comes to amenities. So, it is no wonder that there are incredible alcoholics anonymous Pennsylvania meetings here too for those with addictions to stiff drinks. It is essential to know that attending an AA meeting doesn’t guarantee that your recovery from addiction will be swift. AA meetings in Parker don’t offer any pills, so you won’t be in and out in a week. However, their treatment method tends to produce results that last for the long haul. They focus on you and your addiction, helping you to find out what triggers it and how best to manage the situation. While the process might indeed take some time, you can rest assured that the recovery you get from these AA meetings will be complete and last you for the rest of your life.

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